Welcome Good News for 340B Drug Discount Program

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit recently upheld an Arkansas law blocking drug companies from denying 340B discounts to local pharmacies that partner with safety-net healthcare ...

Sen. Cassidy: Demand Transparency from Big Pharma Too

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) recently sent a letter to CVS and Walgreens requesting information on the specifics of their role in 340B Drug Discount Program.  Both companies offer services to ...

Imagine a World without the 340B Drug Discount Program

What if your child became ill and needed emergency care, but when you arrived at the local hospital’s emergency room, the door was locked and the hospital was closed ...

Drug Makers Steal $8B from America’s Healthcare Safety Net

Every day, Big Pharma steals millions from America’s safety-net healthcare providers. It amounts to a giant, illegal ATM machine that’s illicitly disgorged more than $8 billion in revenues so ...

Duplicate Discounts: Big Pharma Shows True Colors

Surprise! It turns out the drug industry was never really interested in 340B program integrity after all. Big Pharma has made a lot of noise over the last few years ...

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