DC’s Biggest Liars: Thomas Schatz and Dan Crippen

Enemies of the 340B Drug Discount Program continue to wage a campaign of deception by spreading the blatant lie that taxpayer money is involved in a program that helps America’...

Johnson & Johnson Abandons Rebate Scheme

Johnson & Johnson blinked. The company has dropped an illegal plan to turn the 340B Drug Discount Program into a rebate. It was a bridge too far from its inception, ...

Uncle Sam Brings Hammer Down on Big Pharma

We applaud the Health Resources and Services Administration for demanding that Johnson & Johnson desist in an illegal plan that would choke safety-net healthcare providers by raising medication prices. The ...

Kudos to a Courageous Lt. Governor

Republican West Virginia Lt. Governor Craig Blair recently lost his primary election. That’s no fun, but he then did something courageous: Blair called out the dark money interests that ...

Republicans and Democrats Agree:  We Like 340B

On June 4, the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held a hearing on the 340B Drug Discount Program that showcased why it continues to survive aggressive attacks from the pharmaceutical ...

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