“Like many of my fellow Republicans, I welcome the re-examinations of policy the Trump administration is bringing to Washington. As a physician, I especially appreciate the vocal recognition by the president that for many Americans, the prices of prescription drugs are simply too high.

As a former member of Congress, I agree with those who also say we must ensure pharmaceutical companies can and will continue to pioneer the development of new drugs to help improve the health and well-being of Americans with serious, life-threatening, chronic, and disabling conditions.

As a conservative Republican, however, I have to call the administration’s position on the 340B Drug Pricing Program the equivalent of an own goal in soccer. Significant payment cuts instituted in January of this year by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) threaten to restrict much-needed care for low-income patients in ways that likely will add new costs to our entitlement programs and grow our ballooning deficit.”

Read more: http://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/395632-dont-be-penny-wise-pound-foolish-with-340b-drug-pricing-program 

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