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Posted on July 18, 2017 |
340B Matters, a coalition of stakeholders interested in preserving the intent and the integrity of the 340B program, released the following statement in the wake of the today’s House congressional oversight hearing on the 340B program:
340B Matters strongly supports responsible oversight and full transparency of the 340B program and is encouraged to see the House Oversight Subcommittee focus on this important issue. However, oversight should not be one-sided as it is currently. It is indisputable that drug manufacturers have been woefully under-audited. According to the GAO, there have been hundreds of HRSA audits of covered entities in the 340B program. According to HRSA, there have been less than 10 audits of drug manufacturers through 2016. If Oversight Committee members are truly concerned about oversight of the Program, then they should fully support giving HRSA the necessary resources to significantly expand the number of audits it conducts of drug manufacturers who are participating in the 340B program. It would be hypocritical for a member of Congress to say they support more oversight of the 340B program if they do not also support more oversight of drug manufacturers participating in the program.