From Our Perspective

Big Pharma Companies Facing Anti-Trust Liability in 340B Fight

By 340B Matters At long last, four top pharmaceutical companies are being sued under federal antitrust law for conspiring to deprive safety-net healthcare providers of lower pricing under the 340B ...

Members of Congress Fight for America’s Healthcare Safety-Net Providers

By 340B Matters The 340B Drug Discount Program is getting robbed daily by insurers and pharmacy benefit managers. Finally, someone in Washington is doing something about it. A new bill ...

Drug Maker Boehringer Joins Anti-340B Cabal

By 340B Matters German drug giant Boehringer Ingelheim has unwisely joined an ignominious group of manufacturers attacking the 340B Drug Discount Program. The result will be even less resources for ...

Parasitic Pharmacy Benefit Managers Target 340B

By 340B Matters In the complex drug-pricing marketplace lies a murky underworld of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs). Ostensibly, these companies negotiate lower drug pricing for insurers and (ideally) patients. They’...

Big Pharma’s Disgraceful Year

By 340B Matters In July 2020, six huge drug companies fired the first salvo in a war against a federal program that helps safety-net healthcare providers care for the underserved. Their ...

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