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Posted on December 20, 2017 |
“For most of his first year in office, President Trump has been ahead of the curve with respect to the issues facing America, while Congressional Republicans have remained mired in the dead letter Romneyite past.
However, it’s Christmas, and miracles happen at this time of year. As such, we may be about to witness something difficult to imagine: Congress holding an industry’s feet to the fire where the Trump administration would not. I refer to the current effort by 147 members of Congress, from both parties, to overturn an egregious sop to the pharmaceutical industry by the Trump administration’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Specifically: CMS’ attempt to gut the 340B drug pricing program, which requires pharmaceutical companies to sell certain drugs to certain safety net hospitals at reduced prices in exchange for access to the large Medicare and Medicaid markets. ”