Why Does 340B Matter? | 340B Matters
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PhRMA is spending millions to harm 340B.

We can’t let them get away with it.

Does 340B lower drug prices?

Yes. The 340B Drug Discount Program lowers drug prices for nonprofit hospitals and health centers.

What is the cost to taxpayers?

340B is funded by drug manufacturers and costs taxpayers nothing.

How big is 340B?

The 340B Program makes up less than 2% of the total U.S. drug market. It’s a small program that has a huge impact on underserved patients in America.

About 340B

The 340B Drug Discount Program helps nonprofit hospitals stretch scarce resources to provide more comprehensive care to patients who can’t always afford to pay. Unfortunately, big drug companies are trying to convince Congress to cut this important safety-net program. We are fighting to protect 340B because 340B Matters.


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