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Posted on December 21, 2017 |
“One of the most notable political eyesores of recent years has been the issue of high drug prices. Since 2015, the public has been hungry for a solution to this problem. Indeed, even in 2015, there was a level of bipartisan agreement that drug prices were too high that today would be seen as shocking. According to a December 2015 poll from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, 80 percent of Democrats and 70 percent of Republicans agreed on this issue. Moreover, more than 90 percent of all voters saw pharmaceutical companies’ pricing decisions as unreasonable.
Given that numbers like this existed before most of the reporting on the opioid crisis and its pharma-driven origins, or the multiple pricing scandals that rocked companies the world over, it’s no surprise that pharmaceutical companies want to get out of the way of this boiling public outrage over the issue. In fact, recently, they have made every attempt to lay blame at the feet of other actors in the healthcare sector, from hospitals to health insurers.”
Read More: https://townhall.com/columnists/mytheosholt/2017/12/15/pharmas-failed-blame-game-on-drugs-n2422767