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Posted on August 14, 2017 |
“Both from a policy and a politics standpoint, CMS’s directive makes little sense. Firstly, at the policy level, 340B is a win-win for those opposed to welfare programs, corporate or otherwise. Access to Medicare Part B’s massive glut of taxpayer dollars is obviously a great business boost for a pharmaceutical company, especially given that the government doesn’t negotiate over prices. This means that in many cases, pharmaceutical companies are not so much Randian heroes winning the day through crusading innovation, but rather Randian villains who rely on a giant corporate welfare slush fund to pad their bottom lines. Imposing costs on the acceptance of corporate welfare is good policy, particularly given that no one is forcing pharmaceutical companies to do business with Medicare. 340B is completely voluntary.”
Read more: http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/trumps-pharma-sellout-betrays-the-working-class/